We are introducing the new discovered band 'SEVENITY'
„It all began first time entering the stage – a feeling of truth hit us, Jenny and Sophie say..“ Onstage we are simply in our element. It gives us the magical inner strength and energy, which we love to reflect to our fans and audience.“
SEVENITY are not only sisters.. the two are actually twins -that pretty rocks!-
„The cool thing is that we are not 100% identical -what provides fresh winds -since each of us brings its own style/personality into the music. Like a puzzle piece that completes one another.“
Since they’ve explored the stage at the young age of 7 -they knew „thats home!“
Our music reflects a refreshing mixture of pop/rock/dance influences. ROCK because we enjoy listening to the 80’s.. great genre, great vibe, great spirit and amazing artists! We aim to revive this outstanding feeling of an era no one should ever forget. DANCE is also an important genre because we love to dance. The sensation of diving into spherical, freeing beats and sounds is simply liberating and allows us to combine singing with catchy dance choreographies. POP genre everyone feels related to somehow, we think, because it just holds its own rhythmic and vibe -definitely a „must have influence“ we need.
What’s the meaning of SEVENITY?
Our band name is the composition of SEVEN and DESTINY
The number 7 represents power and stands for the good. We also believe in DESTINY -combining both and you get SEVENITY..
Most of our recordings took place in the U.S.. We love America and it’s been always a pleasure to enjoy the spirit of the country and its vast possibilities. You could say, we are Americans in our heart.
We like to wear cool fashion – mesh, leather, black, light fabrics of idiosyncratic character, but also elegant clothes. Our passion and interest in this certain type of apparel pushed us to work on our own online shop ‚Glam Rock Fashion‘ to share our style with all, who feel connected to the motto „forever young, exciting and who love to have some ‚pixie dust‘ in their lifes ;-)“
SEVENITY_STYLE welcomes you to our lifestyle blog. A ‚Magazine‘ for all who seek independence, happiness, truth and selfconfidence. For people interested in style, fitness, food, travelling, product reviews and who also like to be kept aware of social issues and more.
« I will prepare and someday my chance will come. »
– Abraham Lincoln
Go for your purpose..